9th std New Samacheer Kalvi Term 2 book/Seventeen Oranges prose/tamilvazhikkatral

TERM – 2 ;  Unit – 1

Seventeen Oranges – Prose
Part – 1

Seventeen Oranges/Part -1 / 9th New English book / Term – 2 //தமிழில்//Page 93 & 34

Part – 2
Seventeen Oranges / Part – 2 / 9th English / Term – 2 /[தமிழில்] //Page 94 & 95

Part – 3

Seventeen Oranges / Part- 3 / 9th English / Term – 2 //[தமிழில்]// Page 96 & 97

Do you know [page 94]

          A ship’s cat is a cat that rides along on trading, exploration and naval ships to catch mice and rats which can cause damage to ropes, electrical wirings, crew’s food, grains in the cargo and wooden parts of the ship.
Do you know [page 95]

        One orange contains our daily requirement of vitamin C.
Oranges were first grown in India and then they spread to the other parts of the world.
Do you know [page 97]

       Giving oranges during their New Year season is a festive ritual of the Chinese. They are usually given in pairs as a symbol of friendship.

GLOSSARY [page 97]

dock (n) – an enclosed area ofwater in a port for the loading, unloading and repair of ships
apron (n) – a protective garment worn over the front of one’s clothes and tied at the back

red-handed (adj) – used to indicate that a person has been discovered in the act of doing something wrong

concealed (adj) – the act of keeping something secret or hidden

blabbing (v) – to reveal secrets indiscreetly and thoughtlessly 

pips (n) – small hard seeds in a fruit
chunks (n) – thick large pieces of something
A. From your reading of the text, choose the correct answers from the options given below.
1. The narrator was very fond of _________
a) eating oranges.
b) driving a pony-and-cart.
c) reading detective stories.
d) munching away at something.
2. The narrator was searched by the policeman, because __________
a) his pockets were bulging.
b) he was singing songs.
c) he was carrying a box.
d) the oranges could be smelt.
3. The narrator kept his mouth shut when questioned by Pongo, because __________
a) anything said would be held as evidence against him.
b) the oranges would fall out.
c) he did not steal the oranges.
d) he was scared of Pongo.
4. The voice in the narrator’s head advised him to____________
a) confess the truth to Pongo.
b) eat all the oranges.
c) deny his guilt.
d) hide all the oranges.
5. Pongo found no trace of the oranges on the table, because ______
a) Pongo’s mate had stolen them.
b) all the oranges were sold.
c) the narrator had eaten them all.
d) they disappeared mysteriously.
D. Find the synonyms for the underlined words given in the passage.
1. The voice in his head asked the narrator to eat the evidence.
a) proof 
b) contradict
c) disprove 
d) refute
2. Clem looked at Pongo furiously.
a) politely 
b) gently
c) angrily 
d) calmly
3. When Pongo caught the narrator with the oranges, he was very frightened.
a) undaunted 
b) afraid
c) valiant 
d) brave
4. The narrator was quiet, when Pongo questioned him.
a) calm 
b) noisy
c) silent 
d) agitated
5. The narrator was in trouble because he took the oranges.
a) peace 
b) diffi culty
c) harmony 
d) comfort
E. Find the antonyms for the underlined words in the following sentences.
1. Seventeen oranges were hidden in the narrator’s pockets.
a) exposed 
b) masked
c) concealed 
d) buried
2. Clem Jones was ordered to open the box.
a) prepared 
b) arranged
c) forced 
d) requested
3. Pongo locked the narrator inside the cabin.
a) closed 
b) sealed
c) released 
d) chocked
4. Pongo carefully searched the narrator’s pockets.
a) attentively 
b) carelessly
c) cautiously 
d) strictly
5. The narrator of the story felt very sick for a week
a) healthy 
b) disordered
c) feeble 
d) unhealthy

F. Given below in Column A are some phrasal verbs taken from the text. Find the meanings by using a dictionary and complete Column B.

K. Do’s and Don’ts (Necessity, Obligation and Permission)
Choose the correct option.
1. We use ______ (should/must/ought) when something is compulsory, obligatory and important.
2. We use ______ (should/must/ought) when something is the right thing to do.
3. We use ______ (should/must/ought) when something is suggested or recommended.
L. Answer the following
1      Frame a question using ‘have’.
     I have never seen such a creature.
2      Underline the modal.
    How can we reward you?
3      Find the modal.
   Where will Tenali Raman go?
4      Choose the correct modal.
   Who (have/has) painted the peacock red?
5      Answer with may/may not.

   Do you think red peacocks exist?
M. You are Aadhav. While you were away on a holiday, your house was burgled. Use appropriate modals and complete the letter to your friend telling him/her about it.

        How are you? I feel sad to inform you that my house was burgled last week when I was on a holiday. Burglars ______ have known from the accumulated newspaper pile that I had gone away. When I came back last Sunday, I found the back door lock broken. I ______ have forgotten to bolt the back-door from inside and they _______ have entered through it. My room was ransacked. They took my laptop and other valuables. I ______ have deposited the jewellery in a bank locker to avoid this loss. I _______ have informed my neighbours about my week-long trip. Well, I have registered an FIR with the police. They are investigating the case. They have assured that I _____ get my jewels back. The burglars ______ be caught very soon. Convey my regards to all at home.


சமசீர் கல்வி புத்தகம் ஒன்பதாம் வகுப்பு ஆங்கிலப் பாடம், Seventeen Oranges – Prose, Seventeen Oranges lesson, samacheer kalvi 9th new english book, samacheer kalvi 9th new books, 9th std new English book answers, 9th std new English book answers, 9th std English book answers 2019, 9th std new English book answers 2nd term, samacheer kalvi book back questions/English unit-1/ 9th english book back questions and answers, samacheer kalvi new book back questions, 9th new english bookback questions and answers, tet english grammar in tamil, tet english paper 2, tet study material for paper 2 in english, tnpsc general english grammar, tnpsc english grammar, tnpsc general studies material in english, 

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